Critical Reviews


John is one of the brightest minds I have known. A gifted writer and a deep thinker, John guides any participant to the deepest level of thought encouraging all who experience his work toward a new way of being.”

Jeff Patnaude

The Patnaude Group


“John Bennison is skilled and talented in so many ways: he is a dynamic public speaker, an incisive and inspiring writer and lyricist, a capable organizer, and an all-around creative mind. In the years that I worked with JB and the many years that I’ve continued to follow him on the various virtual congregations, I appreciate his work consistently. More than almost anyone else in my life, John has inspired me over the years with both his vocational and personal reflections.”

Stan Stewart

Accompanist & Music Director


“John Bennison’s messages are always interesting, always provocative and, as often as not, inspiring, memorably inspiring. Few preachers are so aware of what’s going on in the world and few are so aware of what’s going on in them, as a consequence. And few are so capable of taking event and emotion and, after swift and almost reflexive consideration of the judgement and grace in it all, articulating it for the listener or reader.
He never preaches anybody else’s sermons; he preaches only his own, right out of his head, right out of his heart, right to your head and heart. He has a perfect record of never giving us rehashed dogmas or the party line or nothingness in many words.
How do I know this? I read John Bennison’s messages, delighting, often marveling at his peculiar wisdom and unique skill.”

The Rt. Rev. John S. Thornton
Bishop of Idaho (Retired)

“If in an hour of worship just one thing is spoken from the heart, the whole hour will be worth it. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait an hour but will find in every word the open, caring, warm heart that will warm yours. Among those things you do to inspire your spiritual path, put John Bennison at the top of your inspirational readings.”

Dr. Richard A. Wing, Senior Minister
First Community Church, Columbus, Ohio

“As Mary and I traveled abroad last week, I read aloud your collection of writings. Superb! Sometimes I couldn’t finish a sentence, as I was touched to tears. Your sermons are the reason we all preach … Thank you.”

The Rt. Rev. William E. Swing
Seventh Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of California

“As a person who came from parish ministry, it is a delight to read good messages with insights designed with sensitivity to those who sit in the pew. It is my privilege to ‘look over the shoulder’ and see some of this fine work.”

Philip A. Amerson, President
Claremont School of Theology

“John Bennison writes with vigor and clarity about the role and function of a church community in the rapidly changing worldscape of today. He brings a timeless message of hope, redemption and joy to people hungering for this assurance.”

Charles Gompertz, President
Gompertz Management Group

“John Bennison’s writings are full of engaging ideas and turns of phrases that invite reflection at many points. … Bennison’s insight into media and the depth of theological insight gives a unique voice that might well be shared beyond the parish, as valuable as it is there.”

Jack Coogan, Professor of Communication Arts
Claremont School of Theology

“I have seen, heard, and read John Bennison’s work for over 20 years. His writings have the unique ability to not only capture the essence of the Word, but to punctuate its power and meaning by demonstrating it’s relevance with everyday stories in our era. His prose is an example of clear thinking at its best!”

Gordon, a reader

“These are earthy, very “real” reflections. John Bennison is a man who is clearly present both to the Scripture/tradition of the church and the very pertinent present day experience of himself and his particular parish and the parish of the world. Certainly his reflections took me through the gamut of my own experience: feeling the sadness – even tears – of his poignant stories, the passion of taking a stand, or simply “taking heart”, and sensing the deep honesty of his own personal story woven through it all. These are rich collections – having read them once, they await a second reading.”

Stan Stewart, minister, musician, composer
Music for the Moment

“When I first read a collection of John Bennison’s writings a couple of years ago, I thought, ‘This guy is a great writer.’ One of the main reasons I read his stuff is because John has brains, compassion and considerable talent in telling stories. I happen to be partial to writers, so I have a big space in my heart for John.”

Judy, a reader

“John Bennison’s messages demonstrate his strong ability to interweave every day occurrences within a scripture message, some humorous and some in a serious vein. This type of message always catches your ear and leads to thought-provoking conversation afterward.”

Raphael, a reader

“These are heartfelt, honest, thoughtful, and thought-provoking pieces. In both style and content, they are carefully honed, and a pleasure both to hear and read. There’s a very skilled writer at work here with the ability to plumb his own depths and to touch us deeply. What a relief to find some meditative readings that go far beyond the usual pietistic clap-trap and other thin gruels for the soul.”

Gary, a reader

“John Bennison’s writings are great. They ask the right questions and provide a framework for the reader to find their own answers.”

John, a reader

“John Bennison contextualizes a scripture text by tying it to current personal or public events and in so doing, reminds us that the scripture is indeed a living document, the living word. Not only does he show that it is alive, but also quite lively.”

Gordon, a reader